So, this is a piece…

So, this is a piece that I’m planning to submit to the Scary Mommy blog. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a mostly-humorous/irreverent take on parenting (aimed at moms, obviously).

Toddler Development: A Realistic Assessment
This simple test will help you determine if your toddler is hitting all the appropriate developmental milestones.

Gross Motor Skills
Does your child:
a. Pull self up to stand
b. Pull self up to stand using exclusively furniture upon which hot cups of coffee are balanced
c. Pull self up to stand using sibling’s hair

Does your child:
a. Squat to pick up a toy
b. Squat to pick up a toy belonging to child next to him, then hit child in face repeatedly when she tries to take toy back
c. Squat to pick up dog poop

Does your child:
a. Walk independently
b. Walk independently, but stumble randomly over invisible obstacles and regularly run into walls, so that other parents secretly think you are spiking your child’s bottle with whiskey
c. Run immediately into the street whenever allowed outdoors

Does your child:
a. Climb onto and down from couch or chair unsupported
b. Climb onto and down from bookcase unsupported, allowing her to reach the one unchipped decorative item in remaining in your house
c. Climb onto roof

Fine Motor Skills

Does your child:
a. Pick up a cheerio with thumb/index finger
b. Pick up a piece of cat food with thumb/index finger
c. Pick up a piece of cat food with thumb/index finger and quickly shove it up his nose

Does your child:
a. Scribble spontaneously
b. Scribble spontaneously on wall
c. Scribble spontaneously on wall with permanent marker

Does your child:
a. Stack four or more blocks
b. Stack four or more blocks, then cry uncontrollably for 10 minutes when his block tower falls over after she tries to stack a fifth block
c. Mostly just throw blocks at your nose

Does your child:
a. Put objects in a big container
b. Put objects in a big container with an opening too small for an adult hand
c. Put your car keys in a big container with an opening too small for an adult hand

Does your child
a. Turn over container to pour out contents
b. Turn over container to pour out graham crackers on your bed
c. Turn over container to pour out paint all over the kitchen floor. At your in-laws’ house.

Does your child
a. Poke with index finger
b. Poke eye with index finger
c. Poke neighbor’s dog’s eye with index finger

Language Development

Does your child:
a. Respond to no
b. Respond to no by screaming and throwing body repeatedly on ground until you must drag her away writhing and wailing, causing onlookers to assume you are a child abductor
c. Respond to no by rolling eyes

Does your child:
a. Use one word in addition to mama or dada
b. Use one word in addition to mama or dada, over and over again at the top of his lungs, but only at times/in places where you really need him to be quiet
c. Use one word in addition to mama or dada. It’s a swear word.

Does your child:
a. Repeat sounds or actions to get attention
b. Repeat the phrase “poo-poo stinkhead butterfly” to get attention
c. Break things to get attention

Does your child:
a. Point to items she wants
b. Pull on your face until it points to the item she wants
c. Wait until you are out of the room to get items she wants but knows she isn’t supposed to have

Does your child:
a. Respond to simple verbal commands
a. Respond to simple verbal commands with a primal scream reminiscent of a scene from Saw
b. Pointedly ignore simple verbal commands

Problem Solving

Does your child:
a. Explore objects in many different ways
b. Explore breakable objects in many different ways
c. Explore breakable objects that belong to other people in many different ways

Does your child:
a. Find hidden things easily
b. Find hidden “adults-only” things easily
c. Find hidden “adults-only” things easily, and proudly show them to your grandmother when she comes for a visit

Does your child:
a. Start to use things correctly; for example, drink from a cup, brush hair
b. Start to use things correctly; for example, drink from your wineglass, lock bathroom door from inside
c. Attempt to use the car correctly

Does your child:
a. Hand you a book when he wants to hear a story
b. Hand you a book when he wants to hear a story, even though you have purposefully “hidden” it in the trash can so you never have to read it again
c. Hand you an iPad when he wants to hear a story

Personal/Social Skills
Does your child:
a. Test parental responses to his actions during feedings
b. Test parental response to his actions during feedings by throwing spaghetti
c. Test parental responses to his actions during feedings by throwing spaghetti so many times that you now eat all meals on the dining room floor

Does your child:
a. Extends arm or leg to help when getting dressed
b. Extend arm or leg to help when getting dressed, wait until clothes are nearly on, then wriggle out of clothes so you have to start over again
c. Extend leg to kick you when getting dressed

Does your child:
a. Imitate behavior of others, especially adults and older children
b. Imitate behavior of others, especially that one really bratty kid at daycare
c. Imitate behavior of your dog
